VEP40.3CEN-256NN-MAD-128-NN-FW Industrial robot evolution trend from ABB

VEP40.3CEN-256NN-MAD-128-NN-FW By reviewing the development process of global industrial robots, we see that industrial robots have experienced the evolution process from special to general, from mechanical to intelligent, and from single to complex. As industrial robots began to be applied to various downstream industries, gradually replacing human repetitive labor, the industrial value began to gradually…

1701/15 Shanghai has become the country’s first robot density integration city

On January 3, Shanghai held a smart factory construction work promotion meeting to highlight the achievements of Shanghai smart factory construction, sum up the experience of smart factory construction, highlight the highlights and characteristics of construction, and put forward the “Shanghai plan” for smart factory construction. The reporter learned from the conference that with the…

RRDIO15 Equipment manufacturing industry prosperity gradually rebounded, through the winter to meet the arrival of spring

December 27, the National Bureau of Statistics released 2023 January to November industrial profit data, data show that from January to November, China’s equipment manufacturing industry profits increased by 2.8%, of which in November the equipment manufacturing industry profits from a decline to an increase, the growth rate of 16.2%. In addition, the manufacturing PMI…

8237-2597 The “2023 China Manufacturing Power Development Index Report” was released

On December 28, 2023, the National Manufacturing Power Construction Strategy Advisory Committee, the Chinese Academy of Engineering and other units jointly issued the “2023 China 8237-2597 Manufacturing Power Development Index Report” and “Green Paper on Technological Innovation in Key areas of China’s Manufacturing Industry – Technology Roadmap (2023)”. It focuses on the changes in the…

ESMD113L4TXH509 The upgrading of tool products reflects the urgency of upgrading the manufacturing industry

The upgrading of tool products reflects the urgency of upgrading the manufacturing industry The level of cutting technology and CNC tools is directly related to the efficiency of CNC machine tools, quality and overall level of equipment manufacturing industry. ESMD113L4TXH509 In recent years, a number of domestic CNC tool companies are responding to the development…

RLX2-IHNF-E  Ministry of Industry and Information Technology “2023 Industrial metauniverse White Paper” released!

RLX2-IHNF-E  On December 26, the “2023 Industrial Culture Development Conference” sponsored by the Industrial Culture Development Center of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Ningbo Municipal Government was grand opened in Ningbo. With the theme of “Gathering the power of Industrial culture to promote New industrialization”, this conference aims to promote the…

ADV569-P00 Continue to build industry benchmark demonstration

Continue to build industry benchmark demonstration ADV569-P00 At the meeting, the excellent case of the industrial metauniverse in 2023 was officially announced. Hangzhou Lingbian Technology “Lingbian Yuan Universe intelligent Industrial platform” was rated as an annual excellent case with multi-dimensional leading strength such as business innovation, social influence, and highly replicable and highly promotable. The…

1606-XL480E  Ensuring steady industrial growth — Key industrial tasks for 2024 have been finalized

1606-XL480E  Ensure that the steady growth policy takes effect, transform and upgrade traditional industries, cultivate and strengthen emerging industries, and accelerate the formation of new quality productivity… Recently, intensive meetings have been held from ministries and commissions to local governments to study and deploy key tasks in the field of industry and information technology in…

1746-NI16I The country’s first single industrial Internet data resource entry case landed in Tongxiang, Zhejiang

1746-NI16I The country’s first single industrial Internet data asset entry case landed in Tongxiang City, Zhejiang Province, recently, as a pilot enterprise of data capitalization in Tongxiang City, Zhejiang science and Technology Development Co., Ltd. has completed the preparation of data resources into the table, and officially started the entry work. Under the organization of…