
VM600 MPC4 VM600 series machinery protection card

The MPC4 machinery protection card is thecentral element in the VM600 series machineryprotection system (MPS), from Meggitt’sVibro-Meter’ product line. This very versatile cardis capable of measuring and monitoring up tofour dynamic signal inputs and up to two speedinputs simultaneously.
The dynamic signal inputs are fully programmableand can accept signals representingacceleration,velocity and displacementproximity),among others.On-board processing allows measurement ofvarious physical parameters, including relativeand absolute vibration, Smax, eccentricity, thrustposition, absolute and differential housingexpansion,displacement and dynamic pressure.
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Essential details:VM600 MPC4 VM600 series machinery protection card

MPC4 card
The MPC4 machinery protection card is thecentral element in the VM600 series machineryprotection system (MPS), from Meggitt’sVibro-Meter’ product line. This very versatile cardis capable of measuring and monitoring up tofour dynamic signal inputs and up to two speedinputs simultaneously.
The dynamic signal inputs are fully programmableand can accept signals representingacceleration,velocity and displacementproximity),among others.On-board processing allows measurement ofvarious physical parameters, including relativeand absolute vibration, Smax, eccentricity, thrustposition, absolute and differential housingexpansion,displacement and dynamic pressure.
Digital processing includes digital filteringintegration or differentiation (if required),rectificafion (RMS, mean value, true peak or truepeak-to-peak),order tracking(amplitude andphase)and measurement of the sensor-targetgap.
The speed (tachometer) inputs accept signalsfrom a variety of speed sensors,including systemsbased on proximity probes, magnefic pulse pick-up sensors or TL signals. Fractional tachometerrafios are also supported.
The configuration can be expressed in metric orimperial units. Alert and Danger set points are fullyprogrammable,as are alarm time delay.hysteresis and latching. The Alert and Dangerlevels can also be adapted as a function of thespeed or any external information.

VM600 MPC4

lf you need to inquire or purchase ,please send the product models to my email or call medirectly .

sunny  He


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VM600 MPC4 VM600 series machinery protection card

Different versions of the MPC4 cardThe MPC4 card is available in different versions,including ““standard”,”separate circuits” and”safety” (SlL) versions.In addition, some versionsare available with a conformal coating appliedto the circuitry of the card for additionalenvironmental protection against chemicals,dust, moisture and temperature extremes.
Both the ‘standard’ version and the “safety” (SlL)versions of the MPC4 card are certified tolEC 61508 and ls0 13849, for use in functionalsafety contexts, such as $lL l in accordance withIEC 61508 and PL c in accordance withISO 13849-1.
The “standard” PC4 card is the original versionand supports all features and processing modes.The “standard” MPC4 is intended for safetysystems using a VM600 rack with a limited rangeof cards, that is,“standard” MPC4/lOC4T cardpairs and RLCl6 relay cards. lt has a VME-compatible slave interface so it is softwareconfigurable via VME when there is a CPUx cardacting as a rack controller in the VM600 rack. lt isalso software configurable via R$-232 (on the frontpanel of the card).