Essential details:CLS204 CLS204-MOL-RT CLS208 Single phase solid state contactor
Product Description
CLS204 CLS204-MOL-RT PlD control of up to 16 heat and cool loops
Minimizes panel space per loop
Reduces installation time
Increases reliability: fewer parts means fewer failures
Requires less time tuning.
Achieves excellent control with less expertise
Menu-guided operation with full text displayAllows quick setup of the controller
Simplifies operation
Eight jobs stored and recalledChanges quickly from one process to another
Multiple and mixed inputs
Accepts combinations of thermocouples, RTDs, linear dcvoltage and linear dc current sensors
Reduces learning curve and inventory
Sensor failure detection
Reduces time troubleshooting reversed, shorted andopen sensors
High/low process and deviation alarms for each inputIntegrates as needed to integrate with PLC and othercontrol elements
34 digital outputs
CLS204 CLS204-MOL-RT Provides flexible configuration
Allows use of outputs as needed for control and alarmsEIA/TIA-232 and 485 communicationsConnects to software for easy configuration and operationAllows integration with controllers and software
Product parameter
- CLS204 CLS204-MOL-RT Watlow’s SERIES CLS200 is a powerful line of controllers,combining performance and flexibility with compact designThe 4, 8 and 16 loop versions provide complete controllersolutions for a broad range of applications. Support formultiple types of sensor inputs is available, includingthermocouples, RTDs, linear voltage, current and frequency.Each controller can operate as a stand-alone system, andincludes built-in serial communications for computer interfaceand data acquisition. Optional programmable ramp and soakfeatures allow complex batch processing and sequencing.An enhanced feature option offers cascade control, ratiocontrol, differential control, process variable retransmit andremote analog set point
The SERIES CLS200 controllers are ULe and C-ULe listedand meet the reguirements of the European CommunityEMC Directive and carry the CE mark.
WATVlEW is an optional Windowss-based human machineinterface (HMl) program that can be used as the primaryinterface to one or more Watlow controllers. WATVIEWprovides channel setup and monitoring of up to 32 controllersat the same time. The easy-to-use graphical userinterface(GUl) allows you to set control parameters, createuser-defined recipes, view and manage alarms, set up andview trend plots and real-time data and export logged datato spreadsheet applications. Because it is designedspecifically for Watlow controllers, WATVlEW reguires lessconfiguration time than other more expensive packages.
DAC and SDAC ModulesThe optional DAC and SDAC modules are available forWatlow SERIES CLS200 controllers.
The DAC (digital to analog converter) converts one or twoof the controller’s distributed zero crossing (DZC) outputsignals to analog signals. Each output is field configurable for4-20mA-(dc),0-5V-(dc)or 0-10V…(dc).SDAC
The SDAC (serial digital to analog converter) convertsone controller output to a precise analog voltage orcurent signal. The unit is typically used for process variableretransmit, open-loop control, motor or belt speed control,or phase-angle fired SCR power controllers.The SDACbears the CE mark and is ULe and C-ULe listed.
Superiority products CLS204 CLS204-MOL-RT CLS208 Single phase solid state contactor
Choose firmware with the features needed for theapplication:
Standard includes closed-loop PlD control, auto-tune,alarms, job memory and failed sensor detection.Extruder-includes the standard firmware features, CLS204 CLS204-MOL-RT withPlD control specifically adapted for plastic extruders.Ramp and soak-includes the standard firmware featureswith the addition of ramp and soak and process variableretransmit. Each channel can be configured for standardPlD control or ramp and soak operation. Unused controloutputs on any channel can be configured for retransmition.Enhanced features-includes the standard firmwarefeatures with the addition of process variable retransmit,remote analog set point, cascade control, ratio controland differential control algorithms. Each channel can beconfigured for standard PlD controller or one of the othercontrol algorithms. Each channel of cascade control orremote analog set point requires two controller channels.Unused control outputs on any channel can be configuredfor retransmit.
CLS204 CLS204-MOL-RT Because the SERlES CLS200 has no onboard analogoutputs, applications that use process variable retransmittypically require one SDAC module per retransmitted signal.